Request Information
Request Information
On behalf of Oakview Juvenile Residential Center, we welcome you to our facility. We have worked together and developed this website as an effort to introduce our entire staff and our facility. Our intentions are to provide you with a general overview of what we do at Oakview and how we blend a correctional setting with community resources. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us!
Why Choose Oakview
Who We HelpThe Oakview Juvenile Residential Center is a 24-bed residential facility, which houses adjudicated male felony offenders between ages 12-17 in the state of Ohio. |
How We HelpWhile at OJRC, a youth's rehabilitation will focus on principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. This treatment consists of the resident modifying, altering, or adjusting his behavior. |
The Oakview DifferenceOur primary goal for youth is to provide a holistic approach to treatment by using the basic reality-based tenets of choice theory to promote positive behavior modification/the will to live a crime-free life. |