Program Structure

OJRC's program focuses on the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Positive decision making results in rewards while negative actions require consequences. OJRC's structured program consists of six levels with each level being a building block to the next.

Level One offers repeated processing of the rules and structure of the program. After one week (approximately 7 days) at this level, a youth will be considered for movement to Level Two.

Level Two is when youth are expected to begin addressing the issues that lead them to placement at OJRC. Youth are expected to participate in as many OJRC activities as possible. Youth are also eligible for on-campus family visitation to begin the process of re-establishing relationships. Staff will be looking at a youth's behavior and how they are beginning to deal with problems. After two weeks (approximately 14 days) at this level, a youth will be considered for movement to Level Three.

Level Three is when youth are able to show clear daily progress in dealing with problems. They are also expected to be responsible for their actions and be able to accept help from staff and peers in solving problems. At this point, a youth should be setting goals and have a plan to achieve those goals. Youth are also eligible to receive home visitations to continue improving relationships through family activities and spending time together. Staff will continue to look at their behavior and how they have changed their attitude, taking a mature, responsible outlook on life and their thinking. After three weeks (approximately 21 days) at this level, a youth will be considered for movement to Level Four.

Level Four youth are expected to show daily progress in dealing with daily issues. At this point, youth should have their goals together and be moving in the direction of graduation. Staff will continue monitoring behavior to determine if a youth is taking a mature, responsible outlook on life and their thinking. Consistency is the key. After four weeks (approximately 28 days) at this level, a youth will be considered for movement to Level Five.

Level Five youth should be very close to finishing the program and be close to graduation. After five weeks (approximately 35 days) at this level, a youth's progress will be reviewed and considered for promotion to level six.

Level Six youth should be a role model for everyone to follow. Their behavior and actions should be a positive reflection of the progress they have made during their stay. Youth should be preparing to go home and show everyone in their community that they will be a productive and successful member.